TYO is a vibrant music community for young people aged five to 25. A place where musical skills are developed and nurtured, enduring friendships formed and where every TYOer is part of an awesome annual program of inspiring performances. Join us in 2025!
Register now for a 2025 Late Audition!
Applications for our main round of auditions are now closed; however, we will be holding a late auditions for any vacancies that remain on an ad hoc basis. Once we receive your application, we'll be in touch with when we'll hold these auditions.
On this page...
About TYO 2025 Auditions | Placement offers | Fees | Video auditions | Audition requirements | Important details | TYO Connections Program | TYO Ensembles 2025
The TYO audition process is designed to ensure young musicians are placed in the ensemble most supportive of their musical development.
Please make sure you read all the information on this page and the relevant page for the ensemble for which you are auditioning for before registering for an audition. Ready to register? Click here now.
Ensemble offers are based on:
the candidate’s audition performance
the candidate's ranking against other candidates who are applying for the same position
the audition panel’s recommendation for ensemble placement.
Candidates who don't get into their ensemble of preference may be offered a position within another ensemble.
For more information see the TYO Audition and Selection Policy.​
Video auditions are available; but with some conditions.
New to TYO? An in-person audition is required unless you genuinely can't make it to your allocated audition day.
Staying in your 2024 TYO ensemble? This year, we are encouraging current TYO musicians auditioning for the same ensemble in 2025 to submit a video audition. However, an in-person audition is available instead if preferred (it won't affect the audition mark).
Current TYOer applying for a more advanced ensemble? If you are auditioning for a more advanced TYO ensemble in 2025, you will need to do an in-person audition. If you genuinely can't make it to the allocated audition day, you may submit a video audition.
For Late auditions, we will only accept video audition submissions.
Audition fees. Every applicant auditioning for TYO pays a non-refundable audition fee of $50, which must be paid prior to the audition commencing. Fees assistance is not available for audition fees.
Position acceptance deposit. When the audition results are released (via email), there will be a quick form to complete to accept your position. We will also be charging a non-refundable acceptance deposit of $100 which will confirm your position for 2025. This $100 will contribute towards your Annual fee (see below).
Annual fees. All TYO ensembles and chorales also have annual participation fees; however, they should never be a barrier to participation and participation fees support is available for applicants who meet eligibility criteria.
2025 TYO full-year fees were as follows.
$805 for Camerata Strings, Sinfonietta, Chamber Orchestra & TYO Tasmanian Junior Chorale
$820 for The Tasmanian Youth Orchestra, TYO Tasmanian Youth Chorale & Percussion Ensemble​​​
While we understand that auditions (even recorded ones) might feel a bit nerve-wracking, please remember that we audition you to see what you can do.
The three (3) things you need to prepare for your Audition
In your audition, you will be asked to demonstrate your technical ability and musicianship in three ways.
Play the short excerpt(s) which will be provided to you up to two weeks prior to the audition.
Please note the excerpts account for 50% of your audition score, so you should prepare them well.
An own choice piece
Perform, unaccompanied, a short piece (three minutes or less) of your own choosing.
You should select a piece that best demonstrates your level and abilities – but we recommend you choose something you know you can play well under pressure.
Please tell us the title and composer of your own choice piece.
Play two scales with the greatest level of proficiency you can demonstrate.
Choose your tempo and octave range according to your ability and if possible, vary your articulation between scales.
Please tell us the name of the scale prior to playing.
In-Person Auditions
Auditions will be up to 10 minutes in duration.
You will audition to a panel of two to three musical specialists.
Your audition will also be videoed.
Depending on the ensemble, sight reading may be included in the audition.
An accompanist is neither required nor permitted in auditions.
Parents are not permitted in the audition room.
Video Auditions
Please provide us with a video recording of your audition, recorded in a single take. (Videos with cuts or edits will not be accepted.)
At the commencement of your recording, please take a moment to say hello and introduce yourself to the camera, so the panel knows who you are.
Please make sure you verbally introduce each section of your audition. For example: “my first scale is G major, two octaves,” “I will now play excerpt 2…” “I will now play my own choice piece, which is by [composer] and which is called [piece name]…” and so on.
Video auditions should be no longer than 10 minutes in duration.
You will be provided with a Dropbox folder link: please upload your audition video into this folder before the due date.
Your video audition will be played to a panel of two to three musical specialists.
Audio-only auditions will not be accepted.
An accompanist is not permitted for your video audition.
Auditions will be conducted in accordance with the TYO Audition and Selection Policy.
For in-person candidates, full venue details will be advised when your audition time is confirmed.
Candidates should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their audition time for registration and warm up. (A warm-up room will be available.)
Parents may assist their child in the warm-up room if absolutely necessary; however, we prefer parents to sign their child into auditions then wait outside the venue. Your child will be well supported to warm up and move to the audition room when the panel is ready for them.
Parents are not permitted in the audition room.
Further information will be provided with confirmation of your audition time. ​​
Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their audition via email in November 2024.
A non-refundable position acceptance deposit of $100 will be required to secure your offered position for 2025.
The audition assessor/s will discuss placement decisions with the TYO Team following the audition and ensemble offers will be allocated from the successful auditionees.
Please note that TYO may provide feedback following an audition but TYO does not release audition ‘scores’ or release the audition video. Scores and video are confidential to the panel.
More information is available in the TYO Audition and Selection Policy
Increasing opportunities for young musicians around Tasmania​
Through its TYO Connections program, TYO offers opportunities for young Tasmanian musicians living outside of Hobart to participate in advanced TYO ensembles – without having to travel to Hobart every week.
TYO Connections places are currently offered for the TYO Chamber Orchestra and the Tasmanian Youth Orchestra. Connections musicians participate through a combination of online and in person attendance.
Please note that like all TYO places, Connections placements are auditioned – so a placement within the program depends on a successful audition.
If you are interested, please register for an audition and let us know in the comments section of the registration form that you are interested in participating through the Connections model.
How TYO Connections Works
Young musicians living outside the Hobart area can audition to be part of the TYO Chamber Orchestra or the Tasmanian Youth Orchestra and – if successful in their audition – apply to utilise the ‘hybrid’ TYO Connections model.
TYO Connections players need to commit to attending one in every three TYO rehearsals in person in Hobart.
Travel support, in the form of mileage payments, is available if required to support participation for travel to in-person rehearsals in Hobart.
In the intervening weeks, TYO rehearsals will be videoed and a link sent to any musicians participating through Connections.
Connections musicians need to commit to formally reviewing/playing along with these rehearsal videos each week, to ensure they can develop with their peers;
and keep pace with the development of the works. -
All Connections musicians are expected to attend the final rehearsal prior to a concert in person; and to be available for all performance
Normal TYO participation fees still apply; but TYO believes that fees should never be a barrier to participation. Fees assistance is available to eligible TYO musicians, including all Connections musicians.
Not sure which TYO ensemble is for you? Find more detail on each ensemble here and contact our team if you would like further guidance.
*PLEASE NOTE: the playing levels and age ranges indicated below are approximate and are provide as a guide only. The level indicated is AMEB or equivalent musical assessment standard.
The Tasmanian Youth Orchestra
Level: *AMEB GR7+, age range 14-25
Instruments: Violin | Viola | Cello | Double Bass | Flute/Piccolo | Oboe/Cor Anglais | Clarinet | Bassoon | Horn | Trumpet | Trombone/Bass Trombone | Tuba | Timpani | Percussion | Harp | Piano (some programs)
TYO Chamber Orchestra
Level: *AMEB GR5-7, age range 13-20 years
Instruments: Violin | Viola | Cello | Double Bass | Flute/Piccolo | Oboe/Cor Anglais | Clarinet | Bassoon | Alto Saxophone | Horn | Trumpet | Trombone/Bass Trombone | Tuba | Timpani | Percussion | Piano (some programs)
TYO Sinfonietta
Level: *AMEB GR3-5, age range 9-18 years.
Instruments: Violin | Viola | Cello | Double Bass | Flute/Piccolo | Oboe/Cor Anglais | Clarinet | Bassoon | Alto Saxophone | Horn | Trumpet | Trombone/Bass Trombone | Tuba | Timpani | Percussion | Piano (some programs)
TYO Camerata Strings
Level: *AMEB Prelim-GR2, age range 7-12 years
Instruments: Violin | Viola | Cello | Double Bass
TYO Percussion Ensemble
Level: *AMEB GR3+, age range 9-25 years
Instruments: TYO Percussion Ensemble auditions across the following instruments; however, other percussion instruments may be used in programs, depending on repertoire. | Timpani | Snare Drum | Xylophone | Marimba | Auxiliary Percussion
Love to sing too? Join a TYO Chorale!
Click here to read more about our chorales and to register to join (no audition required!) TYO Chorales are offered at a discount for participants who wish to sing in a chorale as a second ensemble.