Gifts in Wills (Bequests)
If you would like your legacy to support the gift of music to children and young people in Tasmania, we invite you to make a gift in will (also known as a bequest) to Tasmanian Youth Orchestras (TYO) in your will.
Please consult your legal adviser when remembering TYO in your will; and we also suggest that you have a conversation with your loved ones about any gift.
We ask that you consider giving a general-purpose gift in will so that your gift can be directed where it is most needed within the organisation.
Examples of gifts in wills (bequests) are set out below.
Percentage of an Estate Gift in Will​
I GIVE AND BEQUEATH …% of my Estate to TASMANIAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA COUNCIL INC. (ABN 65 385 645 540) to be used for its general purpose and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other authorised officer for the time being of the organisation is an absolute discharge of my executor(s).
​Residual Gift in Will
I GIVE AND BEQUEATH the residue of my Estate to TASMANIAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA COUNCIL INC. (ABN 65 385 645 540) to be used for its general purpose and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other authorised officer for the time being of the organisation is an absolute discharge of my executor(s).
​Specific Gift in Will
I GIVE AND BEQUEATH the sum of $... to TASMANIAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA COUNCIL INC. (ABN 65 385 645 540) to be used for its general purpose and I DIRECT that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other authorised officer for the time being of the organisation is an absolute discharge of my executor(s).
There is absolutely no requirement to tell us if you choose to give a gift to TYO in your will; however, if you share your intentions with us we can ensure you are thanked appropriately for your support and invited to TYO events if you wish.
If you have any questions regarding gifts in wills to TYO, please contact TYO CEO Kyna Hart on 0474 316 608 or kyna@tyo.org.au for a confidential conversation.