More than 1300 titles | Very low hire costs
Contact us to view online hire catalogue
TYO has more than 1300 instrumental and choral works in its music library – generally scores plus full sets of parts. These are all available for hire to individuals or other community music groups. We keep our hire charges very low to make this wonderful community music resource as accessible as possible.
If you are interested in browsing our titles – or if you have a specific work you need – please contact us and we will send you a one-time link to our online hire catalogue.
Important notes
Please note that due to COVIDSafe protocols we organise hires over the phone or by email: pick-up of parts can, however, be in person from the office by prior arrangement.
We can and do send parts interstate but please note that Tasmanian groups have first priority on hires.
Hire and postage costs are the responsibility of the hirer; and of course the hire is at your own risk.
You will be required to complete a hiring agreement before a hire is agreed.
The music library is a valuable resource, so you will be billed for the replacement of any lost or damaged works or parts.
Full terms and conditions are specified on the hire agreement.
Focus on specialist/hard to find instruments
Short or longer-term hire
Contact us to view online hire catalogue
TYO has a small selection of instruments for hire – generally from the 'hard to find' or specialist side of the orchestral spectrum! Current TYO players have hiring priority; but once TYO needs are met, remaining instruments are made available for community hire.
Core instrument library
In our core hire pool we have the following instruments.
Oboe (2) | Cor Anglais (2) | Bassoon (3) | Piccolo (1) | Bass clarinet (1) | Euphonium (1) | French horn (2) | Tuba (1) | A clarinet (2) | Part-size violins from 1/16th to 1/2-size (9) | Viola (3) | Cello including 1/4, 1/2 and full-size (4) | Double bass (2)
Specialist instrument library
In our specialist hire pool we have the following instruments.
Contrabassoon (1) | Timpani (2 sets) | Range of percussion, including glockenspiel, xylophone and auxiliary percussion (various)
Please note these specialist instruments are generally only hired to individuals or ensembles who can demonstrate the musical knowledge required to keep these instruments safe. Hiring of timpani may require additional payment of transport costs.
Important notes
Instruments are only hired to people resident in Tasmania. Current TYO participants have first priority on hires.
Hire costs are the responsibility of the hirer; and the hire is at your own risk. You will be required to complete a hiring agreement before a hire is agreed.
The instrument library is a valuable resource, so you will be billed for any damage and may potentially be billed for the loss or theft of a hired instrument which has been stored or used outside the terms of the hire agreement.
Full terms and conditions are specified on the hire agreement.
We acknowledge with gratitude the support of the
Tasmanian Community Fund, which has allowed us to significantly expand both our libraries; and the Tasmanian Chorale for a large donation of choral music. We are proud to steward these wonderful resources for community use.
Need 20 copies of The Messiah? Short of a contrabassoon for your next concert? TYO has a large music library of choral and instrumental music, with more than 1300 titles available for hire. We also have an instrument library of specialist orchestral instruments.
All music and most of the instruments are available for hire to TYO participants, individuals within the community and other community music ensembles. We keep our hire charges very low to make this wonderful community music resource as accessible as possible. Please see below for details and contact us for a link to the library catalogues.